Life Doesn't Stop With A DisABILITY


Hi all,

I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the Christmas holiday ?

During this blog I wanted to take a moment to talk about why life doesn't need to stop if you have a disability. I feel that this is an important subject and hopefully when you read this it will encourage you to go and get what you want. Disability or no disability anything you want is in your reach. With a little bit of positive thinking mixed in with some simple lifestyle changes you will be astounded by the changes that can occur.

I completely understand the feeling when everything is against you, you feel  completely  useless, alone and that you have nothing to give and your disability controls your life. Who's had those feelings before? Who's has just wanted to give up? Trust me I've had all those feelings and I know it's a horrible place to be. I've learnt the only thing that can get you out of this negative, unproductive  mind set is you and only you. I understand that we are all different, different disabilities, different circumstances but trust me when I say it is possible to be completely  happy with your life and accept all of your disability and the challenges it brings. Hand on my heart I thought my life had ended, I had to give up a well established career as a plumber  and heating engineer and also I had to retire from playing rugby.


But I had to knuckle down and not let my disability control my life and future. Here are a few things I've found that help me to overcome manage living with a disability.

  1. Keeping Fit has helped me to battle my dystonia both  physically and mentally. If I feel good I look good, I have confidence and whilst I am training  It makes me forget about my problems for a moment, it gives me a boost and a buzz that then motivates me, its like no other drug.

2. Balanced diet - I'm a strong believer, you are what you eat. A balanced diet has helped me tremendously. Eating clean and healthy makes me feel more active and gives me a feel good factor. A poor diet can make you feel sluggish and lazy. When you have those feelings it makes you lazy and my opinion can make your situation worse.

3. A close circle of friends- my friends have and will always be there for me through the good and bad times. They will be with you whenever you need them. Take you for who, you  are no matter what. For  me I'm lucky to have such a close knit circle of friends.


4. Family are the ones who rally around when the going gets tough. For me, I'm lucky  to have amazing in laws and a beautiful wife. Without them I would not be where I am today.


I have accomplished so much since having Dystonia, I've started a new career in the fitness Industry, I have had a chance to model, which I thought I would never do, I have sponsorships from numerous company's and there's lots to come in 2017. I'm proud to admit I could not be any happier. I am sure that there are still tough times but this does not deter me, I need to keep on going and sustaining that positive mind set so that I can reach my goals and  make my dreams and ambitions a reality.

Never let your disability define you, do whatever you want to and work  every day to  reach your goals.

I would like to finish  with  the  quote the "I'm thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength"

I hope you enjoy this blog and feel free to leave a comment our your life  own views ☺